Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tribhuwan University Service Commission: Question Model for Physics

                                (written examination  2067 )
Subject-PHYSICS                                                            Applied post:Lecturer
Time-1.30 hours                                                                Full marks:35
Candidates are required to   give  answer   in their own  words  as  far  as practicable.
All question are compulsory.The figures  in  the  margin  indicate  full  marks.
                               Khanda “ka”(Group   A)
1. Explain  in brief  the  significance  of normalization  and  eigen    value  equation  in  quantum   mechanical  problems.hence,solve  1-D time  independent  schrodinger  equation.(10)
2. What  is  Coriolis  force?When will it be zero?Describe  the  effect  of   it on  a  particle  falling freely   under   the action of   gravity.(10

3.  Find the  moment   of  inertia  of  N2molecules,given that the   energy  between  the  ground  state  and  second  exited  state  is  1.5 mev.(5)

4.  Find the spin parity  of 13Al27  and  27Co60?(5)

5.What is  “partition  function”?explain  how  this  function  is  useful  in  Thermodynamical  problem.(5)



                     (Written Examination 2067)
Subject-PHYSICS                                         Applied Post:Lecturer
Time: 1.30 hours                                          Full Marks: 35
Candidates are required to give ansvers in their own words as far as practicable. All questions are compulsory. The figures in the margin indicate marks.
                            Group B

6. Comment critically on the overlap of contents of syllabi at 3 years B.Sc. and M.Sc. Courses of Tribhuvan University in Physics and suggest ways to make Physics curricula more useful.(10        

7. Discuss how a physics teacher must teach his students the application of physics to energy generation. (5

8. Present an outline of the essential components of a research proposal on any problem of Physics. (5

9. Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology is planning to introduce a 4-year curriculum at B.Sc. Suggest your views on this concept with reference to existing programs at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels. (10

10. How is the Faculty Board formed as per TU rules/act? Also mention its functions. (5                                                                                                 

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