“Gagan-pur” is a scientific project prepared by Shushant Khadka, a twelfth grade student of Nepal Police Higher Secondary School, for space settlement contest organised by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). In Nepali “Gagan” means the sky and “pur” means city. Thus Gaganpur means “The Sky City”.
He has proposed ring shape space settlement. The settlement contains all the basic requirements of a city such as residential areas, agricultural areas, infrastructures of development and recreational hobs. Where 12,600 people can be accommodated. The total mass of the colonization is about ten times the mass of Eiffel tower and its overhead cost is about $24.5 billion. The time required for the construction phase of space colony is ten years.
His space settlement concept also envisions way of lifestyle of the people residing in space colony incorporating all biological components and place for art meditation. In addition, Gaganpur also has a plan for an efficiently functioning government machinery to take care of the law and order and fitness center of the people residing on it. If his dream of space settlement comes out to be true then the first migration of human being to space is not so far.