- Galaxy Model For The Atom
How the 'Charge-Pair' Explains Light, Atoms, Galaxies and Gravity
- Guide to Ultimate Reality
- Luxon-Tardyon: New Physics
- A Grand Unified Field Theory
by Daniel G. Stahl, D.O.
- Lazer Hydrobeam Micrometallurgy
New technological process
- Trans-Luminal State Theory
by Gershom Gale
- Priority One
Asteroids, Comets, Priorities for Human Survival & Progress
- Fairbairn T.E.(FRIPRO.COM)
Mass Wave formula and more ...
- Yggdrasil: The Journal of Paraphysics
- Theory of the sustentation of matter.
- From then Field Model of Electron to the Unifield Theory
The dream of A.Einstein about development of the Unified Classic Quantum Field Theory is near to become true
- Faster Than Light Physics
Einstein Relativity theories are generalized to allow faster than light processes
- The Theory Of Distance-Time
A quantum theory of time and space that defines distance as equivalent to a period of time (D=cT) and is more accurate that special relativity.
- The discon theory
Introduces the most elementary particle,the discon.The wave/particle duality of light and matter.Alternative explanation for quasars and pulsars
- The SubSpace Project
An outline for a deeply unified field theory
- Reciprocal System of Theory
Research based on a consistent and comprehensive theoretical framework developed by Dewey B. Larson.
- The Quantum Universe
Why is the Universe as it is. Does it have a lot to do with Quantum Physics, or with Human observation?
- Ross's Notebook
The digital computer as a metaphor for reality. Also includes guest columnist John Deutsch on the Golden Ratio appearing in the quantity h, and more.
- Essays On Science
popularized science for understanding basic theories and alternative approaches to physics and physical chemistry
- Dewey B. Larson
Originator of the Reciprocal System of Theory, a comprehensive theoretical framework capable of explaining all physical phenomena.
- The Overthrow of the Relativity by Light
The Overthrow of the Relativity by Light
- Gravity, Inertia and Radiation
A physical system model providing a cause for all remote forces, with planetary data demonstrating gravity shielding.
- Geometrical Dimensional Analysis
- Alternative Theories in Physics
- The Pattern
- Physics and Psychics
- Transcendental Perspectivism
- Skeptics Society
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
- Skeptical Inquirer
- Skeptical Page
- Talk.origins Archive Home Page
- Relative Universe Hypothesis
by Roberto Pérez-Franco
- Lorentz transformations and twin problems
by Roberto Pérez-Franco
- The Electromagnegravinuclear Force
New physics theory that unifies the fundamental forces of nature. Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada
- Holistic Quantum Cosmology. The Uniton Theory.
A New Rational QuantumTheory which gives a unification between microcosmos and macrocosmos Denmark
- Theory of Analytical Space-Time
Study on basic theory in physics has got a great breakthrough, a new theory on Space-time is born. China
- Cosmic Ancestry
The full story and latest news about the strongest version of panspermia. Memphis, TN, USA
- Artificial Intertial Systems
Artificial Inertial Systems of Reference: Here, you will find an important idea in physics that I am sure as physicist, it is the entrance key to ...
- An Alternative to Modern Physics
A new conceptual interpretation of existing physics which achieves commonality between quantum physics and relativity.
- G-D Theory: A 'New Relativity'
GDT was primarily developed independent of prior theories, but can be classified as a Klein-Kaluza type 4-dimensional space with inverted relativistic
- On the true structure of the solar system
Contains what has not been said. With elements for its verification.
- The Atom Universe Model
The theory is that the entire universe, while retaining its current appearance, is embedded into a nine-dimensional cylinder of atomic proportions
- A New Look at the Basic Laws of the Universe
An alternative theory of the physics based on discrete nature of space and time
- Foundation Physics
A new theory covering the fundamentals of physics based on the P-Particle
- A Unified Field Theory
A unified field theory which completes Einsteins theory by calculating the energy tensor, and Quantum mechanics arises as a constraint.
- philosophy of Science
A hipothesis on the nature of space-time
- Unitary Orbital Structure of Elementary Particles
Unitary conception of elementary particles which stands on the quantization of their orbital structure and that preserves the integer electric charge
- Primitive potentials and Newton's laws from symmetry
Symmetry of function. Potentials unique. Newton's laws of any order.
- Fundamental Motions
A theory of motion of fundamental particles and effects acting on them.
- A new Physics for the year 2000?
various new physics theories...from concepts of a fixed point space to a challenge to the Lorentz transformations.
- On Classical Mechanics
A new dynamics which establishes the existence of a new universal force of interaction, called kinetic force.
- A Workable Cosmology
An attempt to develop TOE from a geometrical basis. Nature should develop from the simplest basis.
- Theory for Gravitic Propulsion
Matter, energy, space-time and computer modelling.
- The Comedy-Recycling Theory of the Entire Known Unvierse
The Comedy-Recycling (C-R) theory started out only as my personal quest to explain a simple dilemma. How could gravity emanate from a black hole?
- Mikey's Physics
Gyroscope Theory, leading to Plank's constant.
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